Saturday, 11 June 2016

Mind mapping research

Writing historical fiction is wonderful if you like doing research - which I do - but you can get bogged down in facts and your desk can disappear under a sea of paper.

So I make a big mind-map to summarize my research and stick it up on the dining room wall where I do most of my writing. Creating the mind map helps me get an overall feel for the subject, and is somewhere I can quickly go to find a fact.

Apologies for the poor photos, the mind map's high up and I had to work around the table in the middle of the room.

I've still got lots of books and bits of paper piled on my desk but it would be a lot worse without the  mind map.

The whole thing - 4 sheets of A4 sellotaped together and pinned on the picture rail.

Close up - can you read it?.